

Writing a journal helps us examine a feeling, a thought, an emotion, or whatever happens in our minds, and of course, whatever happens to us in our lives.
Every word we write is a meaningful word. Even if it is a word to describe a world of fantasy or a world of reality, it means a lot to us. It really does.

We always find the time we need to do something when we like it, when we are committed to do it. In fact, writing down about anything can be the beginning of a beautiful experience. We can do it daily, weekly or monthly.
Starting from a simple idea can lead us to a wonderful world of adventure. Just a few lines to establish a good habit. And it will transform our lives forever.

We can choose any topic or theme to write about. We usually like writing about our relationships, about our social life, our online activity, about the new people we meet on the Internet, about stories we hear on the radio, see on the telly or read about in the news, or maybe, about activities in which we participate, or any sports we do, about anything we are worried about, or just about funny things. Sometimes we have no idea what to write about, but at the end, we realise that it's fun, that we write for fun.

We pay more attention to things we like, and we remember them as the best moments ever. We all know these are the things that count, the ones that make us feel happy. They do not require too much effort because they are good, and so that we enjoy writing them down.

When we experience difficult situations, and we have problems or bad experiences, it is normal to feel sad. It becomes an unpleasant task to write them down. But, sorrow and pain can help us learn from them. Writing about our feelings is a way of letting go that sadness. It helps. Yes, indeed. It is a healing experience that undoubtedly makes us feel better.

How can we start? Just by writing down about any of our everyday activities, or about our dreams.
We can work on a blog or a novel,
                                         but let's start by keeping a journal instead.