
MINDFUL LEARNING by Dr. Craig Hassed and Dr. Richard Chambers

Hi, everybody!

Now that you are back to school after your summer holidays, you should start planning your weekly agenda to give a nice start to your new course and also to achieve your goals in a very effective way. 
I know that you are willing to do your best. That's why I encourage you to read this book that will guide you to a new mindful learning. I can assure you that this book is really helpful for a better understanding of mindfulness general concepts as well as for getting a more accurate view of the process of learning itself. 

"MINDFUL LEARNING by Dr. Craig Hassed and Dr. Richard Chambers

Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), as pioneered by Jon Kabat-Zinn and others, is now being successfully applied in myriad areas of human activity—and most recently, in education. It’s no surprise that psychologists and educators have found that mindfulness-based practices improve attention and performance and reduce stress in the classroom and in other school-based activities. This practical guide explains mindfulness and its applications and shows educators how it can be used with students. This book is essential reading for teachers, parents of children high-school-age and above, and college and graduate students."
(Taken from http://www.shambhala.com/books/mindful-living/mindful-learning.html)