Highly successful was the festival held in the playground of Salbatore Mitxelena ikastola last Saturday evening. There were masses of people watching the children's musical performances which were certainly gorgeous. Hundreds of parents visited the exhibition that the teachers organized for the display of their pupils' projects. They had fun while doing so even if it took hours to arrange the whole thing. They surely enjoyed the pleasant and nice atmosphere. Very hot, indeed.
In fact, everybody had a great time on June 4th! Not only did the students who worked very hard to help out with the food for the party, but also the ones who spent the whole afternoon selling the new T-shirts. Thanks to all the people who kindly joined us and got involved in the activities. Thanks to the ones who offered themselves to cook dinner and helped to get everything ready, as well as the ones who took part in the cleaning.
It was a great success!!! All the performances that took place that night were a howling success. The weather helped, too.
Thanks to you all!!!