Thanks for being so kind! Keep on doing what you do so well! You always encourage me to carry on even if I don't feel confident enough.
It's time to look forward and try to do your best without having any doubts. That is what you told me after mentioning that we live in a tough world and that work and social pressures can get to the best of us, but sometimes though, what helps us is just to know that someone cares.
You always care about me! Thanks for doing so!
Sometimes we need a sign to let us know we are on the right track and you are always there, whenever I need you! You are the one who encourages me to persevere through trying times. And then, I get a warm hug!!! And you keep saying,
Thanks again!!!
Remember that sending a positive message to someone you care about won't cost you anything, but it could mean a world of difference to that person.