
Can I give you a piece of advice?

I am glad it is Friday. I hope we all can relax a bit during the weekend. This issue has driven me mad. I bet you it has been quite hard for you as well as for a large majority of your classmates to deal with so much pressure. As far as I know, most of you have felt the same way. It's quite reasonable.
Doing the right thing is not easy, anyway. Before making such important decision, there is a little room for doubt. But, it can let us to make a mistake! That's why I invite you to do your best!!!
So, just for the reason mentioned at the very beginning, I will try to look forward to having some fun at the weekend.
Indeed, I need it!!!
It will be nice to take care of myself for a little while.
What about you? You should think about your teacher’s advice. You need to take a lot of factors into account to make a decision, don’t you? And you want to be sure to make a good choice. Let me tell you that you have a good opportunity now, I'm not joking, your decision has to be a serious one, of course. Maybe this post can help you a little bit. Sometimes we have to stop analyzing the past, stop planning the future, stop deciding with our mind what we want our heart to feel, stop trying to figure out precisely how we feel and what could be better for us,… Sometimes we just have to go with… because whatever happens, happens…, and we should know it anyway!
Due to the fact that you don't know exactly what to do, you could write down the advantages and the disadvantages of each choice. That will make it easier! Think of you, your attitude towards work, your abilities and qualities to achieve results, to cope with the work, to learn the subject and to succeed at doing so.
Remember this,
'If you try hard, you will get what you desire.'
Go on, then!!! And good luck!!!