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Do you believe in the paranormal and other physic phenomena? Have you ever heard of Nostradamus and his prophecies? Being considered one of the world's most famous authors of prophecies, Michel de Nostradame, best known as "Nostradamus" (1503-66) predicted lots of important events in world history, including the French Revolution, the second world war, the atom bomb, the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the power of Adolf Hitler in Germany, the September 11 attacks, and many others which were published in his famous book called "Les Propheties." These predictions were about times that were 500 years into the future. Some of the world's greatest unexplained mysteries are in the book called "Mysteries of the Unexplained" by Kathy Burke, which we encourage you to read. There are thousands of reports of aliens taking people onto UFOs as well as unexplained disappearances and of course, some famous old stories of ordinary people who disappeared and many other ones about strange living things on land and in the sea which are still a mystery, such as the Loch Ness monster, the Yeti, Bigfoot, etc. Lost civilizations, ancient worlds, body mysteries, and some other unexplained phenomena are included in this interesting book. You should read it! Have a go, then!