FIRST STEP: At the very beginning you will try harder, you will certainly have a look at most of the exercises just to check your own knowledge of English. It's worth a try! This section will help you to do it step by step. The aim is to provide advice, to make you improve on some grammar contents in case you have doubts about something, of course. Here you will find exercises and tests prepared for you. I would like you to get involved in learning by yourself. I personally think it's the best way of improving your English.
SECOND STEP: You should click on the provided links to learn more about any topic you are interested in. Working online is enjoyable. It will give you pleasure! Try it at any time!
THIRD STEP: Having doubts is quite common, so don't worry about it and don't hesitate to ask your teacher. It's very important to feel certain and confident. If you feel comfortable, I'm sure you will get pleasure from learning English! You can do that yourself!